Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 9: Horror/Supernatural Movie Month H.P. Lovecraft Week

Finally, day seven, or thank you god, as my wife calls it, of the H.P. Lovecraft segment of Horror/Suspense Month. I saved the very best for last, “The Call of Cthulhu.”  This film was created by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society and filmed in “Mythoscope,” their creation. The film is a spot on recreation of the story, so with that said on to the technique of the film. “The Call of Cthulhu,” was filmed as a B&W silent feature, recreating what Lovecraft would have seen at the cinema, in his own times. The special effects were also recreating period techniques. This daring move was all accomplished brilliantly.

I have personally seen a great many silent films, original, and restored versions, during film school and just for recreation. If this film is judged along with the top silent films ever I believe it would knock a few of those films down a peg or two.

The following picture contains the film as well as a copy of the radio play, “At the Mountains of Madness.”  All of the accompanying materials were included with the audio disc, and PDF replica of a two page Sydney Bulletin, was on the movie disc. 

1 comment:

  1. Despite my aversion to Lovecraft, I begrudgingly admit that 'Call of Cthulhu' was done really, really well.

    The pace of the films can be a bit slow, and I think that's turns me off to them. I guess I'm not a fan of suspense.
