Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3: Horror/Supernatural Movie Month H.P. Lovecraft Week

This post will cover Monday October 3rd, day 3, and I will continue through Saturday the 8th with a choice selection of H.P. Lovecraft movie adaptations for Horror / Suspense Month. The thing that comes to mind most when trying to adapt a Lovecraft story to screen is how to create horror from something that is described as so horrible to see it is to lose all sanity.  Many attempts are laughable, at least to me. 
Monday covers old adaptations. Die Monster Die is based extremely loosely on The Colour Out of Space starring Boris Karloff at age 70 and The Dunwich Horror with a very young Dean Stockwell and Sandra Dee. I remember seeing both of these films on T.V. when I was young and found them both rather enjoyable so that years later I bought them both on DVD. Neither film is a good representation of the stories that spawned them, the special effects are limited and the acting is a little old school theatrical but I can’t help loving both so much so that they inspired me to seek out the source material.
Monday: Die monster Die  & The Dunwich Horror

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