Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 7&8: Horror/Supernatural Movie Month H.P. Lovecraft Week

This blog post will cover two days of movies. First, Friday night I watched the “Re-Animator,” “Bride of Re-Animator,” and finished off into the wee hours with “Beyond Re-Animator,” all based on "Herbert West–Re-animator," and set in modern times. Elements of the original story are present in the first two movies, while the third takes us to destinations unknown.  All three movies are enjoyable and gore-filled, with a bit of sex thrown in. One would think with the name of Lovecraft, he might have written about sex once in a while.  

On Saturday I thoroughly enjoyed volume 3 & 4 of “The H.P. Lovecraft Collection.” Volume 3, titled “Out of Mind,” begins with the titled story, featured on Bravo. It is a story featuring Randolph Carter and H.P. himself. This is a combination of many of Lovecraft’s stories, taking place though the dream cycle.
Next is John Strysik’s short “The Music of Erich Zann.” This is a very good short, though not entirely accurate to the source material.
The last two shorts are by Aaron Vanek, “The Outsider,” and “My Necronomicon.” My first thoughts on theses pieces were a bit clumsy, until I read that he was still in film school at the time. The first is based on Lovecraft’s story of the same title, while the second is just out of the creator’s mind.

Volume 4 is titled “Pickman’s Model,” contains three interpretations of Lovecraft’s story. The first by Chilean director Ricardo Harrington, is fabulous! The second version was by an Italian director, Giovanni Furore, is really very good. The first two versions really captured the decent into madness. And finally the third version, is by an American director, Cathy Welch, it was really, well… meh.  
The disc also contains a short “Between the Stars,” based on a quote by Lovecraft, as well as a wonderful, animated version of “The Tomb.”


  1. Were is the Unnameable?????

  2. It was a tough decision and cuts had to be made. I though featuring some of the lesser known and independent shorts would balance the more widely known films I did chose.
