Friday, September 23, 2011

My Movie History Part 1

I’ve always loved TV and movies from the time I was little.  I was in trader Joe’s the other day and their cashiers seem to be required to make idle chitchat while packing up your groceries. I’ve come to enjoy the exchange but was recently thrown for a loop when I was asked what my favorite movie was.  My mind went to Star Wars. It is the movie I’ve watched more then any other, well over 200 times. When the movie first came out my family was on a summer trip to Ohio and on our trip we would usually go see a movie mixed in with the historic sight seeing and amusement parks.. That particular night I had a fever and had to miss Star Wars. A nine year old missing the premiere of Star Wars at that time was a tragedy, I would have been a social outcast once school started. Luckily in the hotel room on television was Lawrence of Arabia.  

My second bit of luck was that my father worked for RCA and we had one of the first VCRs. He also, and I don’t know how, got a copy of Star Wars from Australian TV and my brother and I wore that tape out.  When the film came back to the theaters we spent all summer seeing it three to four times a day. The tape was no longer watchable. 

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