Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm Here

     Ok, it has been a long time coming for this sort of thing. I mean if I want to be a writer, I need a blog. Maybe just to hash (that would be Veggie) out some ideas and hear the endless criticism of all those out there that love to criticize. You see, I'm having an extremely difficult time of getting the stuff in my head onto the page. Currently I am working on a romantic screenplay, a children's book, two supernatural stories and three finished short screenplays that I want to make into graphic novels or web videos.

     Now there are several problems, the first being that I type with two fingers - three at the most - and still need to look down at the keys while typing. I realize now that I should not have blown off that typing class in High School. The second problem becomes obvious from the string of things I've started and have not finished. While I contemplate number three and misspell the third word of the sentence, I'll move the fourth problem up one slot. My spelling and punctuation are atrocious and while spell check is a modern wonder we all know some of the funny results that are born of relying upon it. Luckily I have two lovely people who help me, my wife Ria that reads everything I write and my friend Ruth that has a highlighter even when she reads published books. I'll also add in that my grammar be not so good at times either.

     Lastly at this point I believe my art work is horrible. Now while I've been told by others it's not, I can not bring myself to believe them. I mean if I traced someone’s art of stick figures I would believe my version to suck. Now on some level this would be true because it was not my work to begin with, that is beside the point I was trying to make.

     So I began to follow writers and artists on twitter, mostly women of a comic bookie nature, because I feel that women are greatly under represented. I know that 50% is not the most accurate of ratios but all you have to do is take a look at the government to see the ridiculous number of old white guys and lack of women, not to mention lack of diversity, and yes of course I realize the irony of this being a white guy.

     So if you haven’t left yet from sheer boredom until I modify this page further feel free to peruse my facebook page for more info on me.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say. :)
