Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy 80th Birthday LEGO

That's right, WWII and 2 fires couldn't stop LEGO. I feel a little sorry for anyone who did not get to play with LEGO, unfortunately those little plastic bricks really didn't reach the USA until the seventies, so most over 5o's were out of luck. I love toys and still have many of my childhood favorites, although mostly packed away in boxes in my basement. I've kept buying toys all through college and have continued ever since, my only regrets are that my nephew lives so far away and my cats will run off with whatever they can get.

One example; this past Christmas, my brother came over after everyone went to sleep and we set up on my kitchen table, for a night of Heroclix's. So halfway into the second game my cat, Tony, decides to investigate what was going on. He jumped on the table and stretched out, taking down the entire LOSH with one tail swoop. Not being satisfied with KO'ing my entire team, he grabbed a six sider and headed upstairs like a cat out of hell. Luckily he dropped it on the stairs before jumping up on the bed, waking my wife.

Now tiny pieces need monitoring, at all times. Tony likes to eat rubber bands, so none of those are allowed in the house.
Anyway while celebrating LEGO I plan on pulling out a whole bunch of stuff and playing again.